Hi, to all of you, brave enough to read recipes...!!! Today, I'd like to share an easy to do BREAD recipe:
Home made bread is easy to make, and best of all: it's your bread, it has it's own personality...like you.
1oz fresh yeast, or 3/4 active dried yeast...it's easier to find...
2 tablespoons sugar, or honey, or brown sugar...though, this sugar will give the bread a darker color...
( remember, yeast needs something to feed from, and yeast loves sugar...it'll grow faster!
2 cups of tepid water ( not hot hot, you can put a finger inside the cup and not burn yourself)
4 cups bread flower ( I like to use whole wheat flower instead)
( if you like, you can also add semolina to this mix, like 3 cups flower and 1 semolina)
extra flower for dusting, or semolina...
Hands on ......
1- dissolve the yeast and sugar, or honey in half the tepid water, or use those two cups separated)
...if you see you need more liquid, add some more tepid water until dough doesn't stick to your fingers...
2-use the largest surface or bowl you have, put the flower, salt, and make a hole in the middle, using your hand...
3-start pouring the yeast with the tepid water, and work it out until you mixture all the ingredients well, use your hand making circle movements clockwise, then, slowly incorporate the rest of water until you have a moisty dough, it should be elastic, soft, and non sticky to your fingers...
4-push it, roll it, knead it, use your energy, your frustrations, your inner strengh, and when you are "tired"...let the dough rest for 5 minutes, and then...again!!!
5- flour your hands now, and flour the top of the dough after you let it rise for a while...cut it with a knife in two or more pieces...
6-leave the bread to rise until it double it's size, you can now rap the dough with plastic foil, let it rest for about one hour, get the oven going on to a temperature 450 aproximate, and when the dough got it's size, cut, shape the bagettes and ....bake it for 15 minutes....
And you can make it!!!
Let me know if you need this recipe in Spanish, I will be more than happy to translate it for you.
Anibal Silveyra.
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