Tuesday, October 18, 2011

PEOR ES NADA, Capitan Monasterio

Peor es nada marcara siempre un momento super especial en mi vida, fueron anos de trabajo intenso, contratos que se extendian por el exito del programa, grandes amigos que aun me duran, y la invalorable experiencia de hacer television al lado de gente como Jorge Guinzburg y Horacio Fontova, ni hablar de todos los artistas y personalidades que hemos tenido participando en el ciclo durante los cinco anos de los que yo fui parte....

Worse than Nothing ( Peor es nada) will always mark a special moment in my life, it's been several years of intense work, extending contracts with the network because of the success of the show, very close friends that still are close to me, and the unmessurable experience of being able to work next to people like Jorge Guinzburg and Horacio Fontova, not even mention all the artists and personalities that had been participating along five years we've been on the air...

In this particular scketch...EL FORRO, the translation should be  THE CONDOM, that doesn't work literally in English like it does in Spanish, which means something you use and discard easily...like a condom...the sound in Spanish it's the same for EL ZORRO, and in this parody, people used him and discarded him very easily....the figure of Capitan Monasterio was the president at the moment, clumsy, akward, spoiled,  and to be discard any time soon...

En este scketch particular, EL FORRO, donde yo hacia de Capitan Monasterio, que representaba la figura del presidente de turno,  veamos....

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